Peningkatan Kompetensi Keterampilan Murid Dengan Artificial Intelligence
Upgrades,, Artificial Intelligence,, SkillsAbstract
The aim of carrying out this research is to improve student skill competency by utilizing artificial intelligence at SMPN 6 Sidoarjo. The problem faced is the lack of knowledge and skills of students in using increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence is implemented as an innovative solution to overcome these obstacles. The research method uses a pre-posttest experimental design with a quantitative approach. This research involved 60 class VIII students at SMPN 6 Sidoarjo, with the stages of identifying needs, program planning, program implementation and evaluation. Data was obtained through practical tests and written tests before and after the program. The results showed a significant increase in students' practical skills by 60%, with the average score increasing from 50 points to 80 points. Students' theoretical understanding also improved, with the average score rising from 60 points to 85 points. These findings are consistent with previous research that supports the effectiveness of project-based and practice approaches in improving students' IT skills. The conclusion of this research is that the use of artificial intelligence can improve the skills of students at SMPN 6 Sidoarjo. The use of artificial intelligence makes a positive contribution in preparing students to explore currently developing technological knowledge.
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